10th Class Biology Guess Paper 2024

10th Class Biology Guess Paper 2024
All Punjab boards, MCQs from all textbook exercises

List of Important Short Questions in Biology for 10th Class:

– What is the function of the skin in maintaining homeostasis?
– Describe the types of coordination in the body.
– Name two types of cartilage and their functions.
– Identify the hormones secreted by the ovaries.
– Explain the functions of the hypothalamus.
– Name the three main parts of the brain.
– Differentiate between Elastic and Fibrous cartilage.
– List four symptoms of pneumonia.
– Discuss the types and symptoms of Bronchitis.
– Describe the types of nerves and the factors influencing axon limit characters.
– Outline the symptoms and treatment of Asthma.
– Explain the differences among motor neurons, sensory neurons, and inter-neurons.
– What is the normal chemical composition of urine?
– Distinguish between inspiration and expiration.
– What is the function of a coordinator?
– What are the causes of paralysis?
– Give examples of responses to stimuli.
– Briefly explain the Autonomic Nervous System.
– Which drugs are used in treating epilepsy?
– Name the hormones secreted by glands and their respective functions.
– Define stimulus and provide examples.
– In which parts of the body is fibrous cartilage located?
– Outline the steps involved in urine formation in the kidneys.
– Define the voice box.
– Explain tubular secretion.
– Define Vegetative Propagation.
– Discuss the role of biotechnology in medicine and agriculture.
– Locate the kidneys in the human body.
– Describe the functions of sensory and motor neurons.
– What role does the temporal lobe play in the body?
– Explain the functions of the occipital and temporal lobes in the human brain.
– Define the spinal cord.
– What is seed dormancy?
– Describe seed germination.
– Explain salutatory impulse.
– Define renal tubule and list its parts.
– Define Rhizomes.
– What is a reflex action?
– Define the Pharynx.
– Describe pneumonia.
– Explain peritoneal dialysis.
– Define Osmoregulation.
– What is passive smoking and its effects?
– Define nitrification.
– What is mRNA?
– Define nicotine.
– What is marijuana and its source?
– Explain modern evolutionary theory.
– Describe lung cancer.
– What is kidney transplant?
– Define lithotripsy.
– Define homeostasis and provide an example.
– Explain the greenhouse effect.
– Define glottis.
– Define Expiration.
– What is Fragmentation?
– Differentiate between breathing and respiration.
– Define diabetes mellitus.
– What is the diaphragm?
– Define Corolla and its role.
– Define chromatin.
– What is cloning?
– Define the cerebrum and its functions.
– What is the Biosphere?
– Explain bronchitis.
– Define biological nitrogen fixation.
– What is Alternation of Generation?
– Define arteriosclerosis.
– What is aerobic respiration?
– Explain dominant and recessive alleles.

Long Questions:

– Digestion in human beings
– Nutrients and their types
– Respiration and the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration
– Excretion, excretory system, structure of the nephron, plant blood, composition of blood, double circulation, functional units of various vital organs, mechanism of photosynthesis?
– Phytohormones, nastic movements in plants, phototropism
– Sexual reproduction in plants, DNA, vegetative reproduction, male and female reproductive systems in humans, fertilization, hermaphrodites, structure of sperm, genetics, variation, heredity, 10% law, monohybrid and dihybrid crosses, inherited and acquired characteristics, analogous and homologous organs, compensation point, biomagnification, ecosystems, transfer of energy in ecosystems, 3R concept, components of ecosystems, food chains, and food webs.

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