The education board found a solution of low marks in practical

The Education Board Found a Solution to the Complaints of Low Marks in Practical’s

Roll Number Slip 

Now on the Roll Number Slip of the 10th, the marks obtained in the 9th will be recorded, from which the examiner taking the practical will be able to determine the ability of the students.

The Education Board has resolved the complaints of the students about low marks in Practical. The education board has changed the roll number slip of the students of Dham.

The marks obtained on the roll number slips are for the practical subjects only, so that the examiners taking the practical’s will be able to judge the aptitude of the students. The education board used to receive thousands of complaints from students every year about low numbers in practice.

Parents say that the examiners deliberately used low marks in practical’s. Due to low marks in practical’s, it was difficult for students to get admission in good institutes.

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